This is the latest exchange rate for the Rand today which is the official currency of South Africa. The currency is the South African Rand with symbol code: ZAR.
The ZAR exchange rate is affected by economic conditions within South Africa. Things such as interest rate changes, GDP and unemployment can affect the Rand currency. Economic policies in South Africa are set by the South African Reserve Bank at regular meetings throughout the year.
1 Rand = | 0.05 USD |
1 Rand = | 0.05 EUR |
1 Rand = | 0.04 GBP |
This table displays other common conversions of the Rand in US Dollars.
100 South African Rand | 5.34 |
500 South African Rand | 26.69 |
1000 South African Rand | 53.38 |
About The Rand
If you are planning to make any trips or vacation abroad to go and visit any destination, such as South Africa, it is always in your best interest to read up on and gain knowledge of the currency that is used frequently. If you need to know more about the currency and its history in the country, we have all the information you will need right here.
Governed by the South African Reserve Bank, the rand is currently worth about 69 cents of a United States dollar, this rate can fluctuate a lot. The rand replaced the South African pound in 1858, while the cent was introduced on February 14th of 1961. The government even introduced a mascot whom they called Decimal Dan, “the rand-cent man”. The mascot also came with a radio jingle to help tell everyone in South Africa about the new currency.
The coinage that is frequently used in South Africa include the 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent, R 1, R 2, and R 5, and the bank notes used include the R 10, R 20, R 50, R 100, and the R 200.
If you are looking to take an adventurous trip or vacation to South Africa in the near future, it’s a great idea to brush up on your knowledge of the rand exchange rate and how the currency is used in the country. Being mindful of the history and rates will allow you to make your visit with ease, and enjoy your trip!
Historical Rand Exchange Rate Chart