This is the latest exchange rate for the Krona today which is the official currency of Sweden. The currency is the Swedish Krona with symbol code: SEK.
The SEK exchange rate is affected by economic conditions within Sweden. Things such as interest rate changes, GDP and unemployment can affect the Krona currency. Economic policies in Sweden are set by the Sveriges Riksbank at regular meetings throughout the year.
1 Krona = | 0.09 USD |
1 Krona = | 0.09 EUR |
1 Krona = | 0.07 GBP |
This table displays other common conversions of the Krona in US Dollars.
100 Swedish Krona | 9.33 |
500 Swedish Krona | 46.65 |
1000 Swedish Krona | 93.29 |
About The Krona
If you are planning on visiting the country of Sweden during the summer, having a decent knowledge and understanding of the currency that is used and circulated is very beneficial to your stay. If you are wanting or needing a better understanding of the Swedish krona exchnage rate, everything you are looking for is in the following paragraphs.
Governed by the Sveriges Riksbank in Sweden, the krona is equivalent to 12 cents of a Ubited States dollar. The word krona or kronor literally translates to the word “crown” in Swedish, and the currency has become the 11th most traded in the world. It’s history dates back to 1873, when the krona replaced the riksdaler by the Scandinavian Monetary Union, which was made up by the countries of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. The union disassembled in 1914, but the countries kept their designated and now separate currencies to this day.
The coins that are frequently used in circulation include the 1kr, 5kr, and 10kr, whereas the bank notes include the 20kr, 50kr, 100kr, 200kr, and 500kr. There is also a 1000kr that is printed, but is rarely used.
The krona has seemed to have had a short and simple history, but it has stood the test of time. If you are planning to visit the country of Sweden in your near future, making sure you have a good knowledge of the history and use of the krona is always great to have, as it can help you during your stay!
Historical Krona Exchange Rate Chart