This is the latest exchange rate for the HK Dollar today which is the official currency of Hong Kong. The currency is the Hong Kong Dollar with symbol code: HKD.
The HKD exchange rate is affected by economic conditions within Hong Kong. Things such as interest rate changes, GDP and unemployment can affect the HK Dollar currency. Economic policies in Hong Kong are set by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority at regular meetings throughout the year.
1 HK Dollar = | 0.13 USD |
1 HK Dollar = | 0.12 EUR |
1 HK Dollar = | 0.10 GBP |
This table displays other common conversions of the HK Dollar in US Dollars.
100 Hong Kong Dollar | 12.86 |
500 Hong Kong Dollar | 64.30 |
1000 Hong Kong Dollar | 128.61 |
About The HK Dollar
The Hong Kong dollar has had quite a long and interesting history, and has over the years become the 13th most traded currency in the world. With that said, if you are planning to visit to Hong Kong in your near future, having a clear understanding of the Hong King dollar is always a plus. Here is a run down of everything you could need to know for your trip.
The Hong Kong dollar is issued and governed by the government and three banks under the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and it is worth 13 cents of a United States dollar. When Hong Kong became a free trading port in 1842, there was no dignified currency. However, by the 1860s, London was trying to influence the currency in Hong Kong issuing coinage for use within the dollar system, as they were doing the same in Canada. Hong Kong eventually shut down this mint in 1868, and by 1935, they were still considered at a silver standard. By the 1940s. the Yen was the only currency in circulation in Hong Kong until 1972 when the currency was finally assimilated with the United States dollar, where it remains to this day.
Coins that are frequently used include the 1 cent, 2 cent, 5 cent, $1, $2, $5, $10. The bank notes used are the $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, and $1000. There is also a $150 in print, but it is in limited supply.
The Hong Kong exchange rate has definitely seen its ups and downs, but through it all has gained a stable system. If you are planning a visit to the Hong Kong area anytime soon, having a good knowledge of the currency used is quite beneficial to have, allowing you to have a better trip while you are there!
Historical HK Dollar Exchange Rate Chart