This is the latest exchange rate for the Krone today which is the official currency of Denmark. The currency is the Danish Krone with symbol code: DKK.
The DKK exchange rate is affected by economic conditions within Denmark. Things such as interest rate changes, GDP and unemployment can affect the Krone currency. Economic policies in Denmark are set by the National Bank of Denmark at regular meetings throughout the year.
1 Krone = | 0.14 USD |
1 Krone = | 0.13 EUR |
1 Krone = | 0.11 GBP |
This table displays other common conversions of the Krone in US Dollars.
100 Danish Krone | 14.03 |
500 Danish Krone | 70.14 |
1000 Danish Krone | 140.28 |
About The Krone
The Danish Krone is the currency used in Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. “Krone” in English translates to crown, so it’s often referred to as the Danish Crown by native English speakers.
The Danish Krone was officially coined and introduced on January 1, 1875. However, it was in the making long before that. Before 1840, the first Danish coin was created–the penny. However, in the late tenth century, systematic minting fell into popularity and produced something called cross coins. Over time, minting progressed and evolved, and cities became known for minting. Kings would typically produce coins with a symbol praising them on it, such as their picture or name.
Coins became a primary way to raise money for the Danish monarchy and state. Those who produced the coins made sure it costed less to produce the coins than their real value. In addition, taxes were sometimes put into place to manufacture the coins. The public was often unhappy with those and opposed the currency style many times.
Today, there are six different coins–the 50-øre, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 kroner.They are color-coded by their value relating to currency: gold is the most expensive, silver the next, and copper the last. As the value increases, the size, weight, and diameter of the coin increases as well. It is governed by the Central Bank– Denmark National bank, who set economic policies which can affect the Krone exchange rate.
Historical Krone Exchange Rate Chart