This is the latest exchange rate for the Franc today which is the official currency of Switzerland. The currency is the Swiss Franc with symbol code: CHF.
The CHF exchange rate is affected by economic conditions within Switzerland. Things such as interest rate changes, GDP and unemployment can affect the Franc currency. Economic policies in Switzerland are set by the Swiss National Bank at regular meetings throughout the year.
1 Franc = | 1.09 USD |
1 Franc = | 1.06 EUR |
1 Franc = | 0.90 GBP |
This table displays other common conversions of the Franc in US Dollars.
100 Swiss Franc | 109.33 |
500 Swiss Franc | 546.64 |
1000 Swiss Franc | 1,093.29 |
About The Swiss Franc
The Swiss Franc is the chosen currency of Switzerland as well as Liechtenstein. From 1820 to 1850 Switzerland held competing currencies, all of which were issued by different banks. In 1848, the Swiss Federal Constitution was introduced, and then quickly followed by the Federal Coinage Act. Both of these made it possible for only the Federal government to make and distribute currency. It was not until May of 1850 that they finally settled on the Swiss Franc as the chosen currency. It’s one of the main European economies which did not adopt the Euro as their main currency.
What followed in the years after was called the free banking era. This is where multiple banks started to issue one single currency the Franc, this lasted until 1881. The Swiss National Bank (SNB) began to regulate the currency in 1905. Then in 1936, the gold standard was introduced to the world. The gold standard relates the money supply to gold which does not need any sort of regulation. If a country started to supply their residents with money then that country started to lose gold reserves, which helps prevent any global imbalances, and this system held up until the 1930s.
In 1907, the Swiss National Bank introduced 4 note denominations, which included denominations of 50, 100, 500, and 1000 francs. Then in 1911, the 20 franc note was created and inserted into circulation and was quickly followed by 5 franc note in 1913. This currency has been redone over the years and is currently in the eighth series of banknotes. These were released in 1995 and came in the following denominations; 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 1000 francs. The ninth series is currently in the works for the Swiss Franc and should be released in 2019.
Historical Franc Exchange Rate Chart