This is the latest exchange rate for the Real today which is the official currency of Brazil. The currency is the Brazilian Real with symbol code: BRL.
The BRL exchange rate is affected by economic conditions within Brazil. Things such as interest rate changes, GDP and unemployment can affect the Real currency. Economic policies in Brazil are set by the Central Bank of Brazil at regular meetings throughout the year.
1 Real = | 0.17 USD |
1 Real = | 0.16 EUR |
1 Real = | 0.14 GBP |
This table displays other common conversions of the Real in US Dollars.
100 Brazilian Real | 16.57 |
500 Brazilian Real | 82.87 |
1000 Brazilian Real | 165.75 |
About The Real
For those who are traveling abroad this year, it is always a great idea to make sure you have the correct currency during your stay in whichever country it may be, such as Brazil. Making sure you have a clear understanding of the history and use of the Brazilian real exchange rate is definitely a top priority if you are planning a visit. Luckily, we have everything you could possibly need to know right here.
Governed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the Brazilian real has had quite an interesting history within the country. The modern real that is in circulation today made its debut in July of 1994, where it replaced the cruzeiro real as part of the Plano Real. This monetary reform was set up to put a stop to three long decades of inflation in Brazil. The real had been gaining value unexpectedly against the United States dollar because of large inflation, and this caused a roller coaster of different exchange rates during that time. Currently, the Brazilian real is equivalent to 28 cents of a United States dollar.
The most frequently used coins in the country include 5 centavo, 10 centavo, 25 centavo, 50 centavo, and R$1, whereas the frequently used notes also include the R$2, R$5, R$10, R$20, R$50, and the R$100. The 1 centavo piece and the R$1 bank notes were discontinued in 2006.
It is always important to have a good understanding of the currency and exchange rates for any country. If you are planning a trip down to Brazil anytime soon, knowing how to use and understand the Real currency is a must, as it allows you to enjoy your trip to the fullest!
Historical Real Exchange Rate Chart